Unique online English course
An exclusive program from ALIBRA SCHOOL – successful network of private schools with an impressive legacy.
It was back in 2012 when ALIBRA SCHOOL introduced and deployed the revolutionary teaching methodology which allows a person to master English in no time. Based on the aforementioned know-how the general Skyrocket course offers students the unprecedented "growth" from zero to the Upper-Intermediate level in just 8 months.

Every year, using the unique ALIBRA SCHOOL methodology and Skyrocket training programs, tens of thousands of people master the languages not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Skyrocket is conveniently adapted for the Russian-speaking audience of the CIS countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan; as well as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Positive feedback from our customers confirm the effectiveness of the ALIBRA SCHOOL methodology: 96% of them recommend the school to friends and acquaintances and 75% come to ALIBRA SCHOOL again - they improve their knowledge, learn a second or third language.
Although we try to maintain high quality of work it does not stop us there and we are constantly taking our teaching skills to a higher level in order to adapt rapidly evolving needs of our students.

ALIBRA SCHOOL has introduced 4 own mobile vocabulary learning applications including one based on the Skyrocket course. Students can instantly increase their vocabulary anytime and anywhere. There are over 8000 words in total in application data base offering student opportunity to expand own vocabulary from zero to advanced level:

ALIBRA Sky - English vocabulary necessary for everyday communication, based on the Skyrocket course;
ALIBRA Forward - English colloquial vocabulary;
ALIBRA Business - English business vocabulary;
ALIBRA Deutsch - German vocabulary for every day.

The school has created its own interactive online platform ALIBRA ONLINE which contains more than 1000 types of exercises and allows you to learn English using the Skyrocket course wherever there is the Internet connection.

ALIBRA SCHOOL students can get access to the platform and applications the same time when purchasing any of the Skyrocket courses on our website - this way we make their learning not only effective but also more comfortable.

Now ALIBRA SCHOOL is a place where education offers the listener unconditional freedom to discover other languages and countries.

The company's main mission is to give its clients the freedom of communication being in any country in the world and effectively achieve their goals without having obstacles in the form of a language barrier. We have such an opportunity thanks to the unique methodological base and the principle of work which we have not changed for 19 years: we treat the listeners the way we want them to treat us.
Choose a course for yourself
180 academic. hours
A course for beginners. Beginner A1 → Intermediate B1
Skyrocket 0
The best way to master a foreign language from scratch
159 academic. hours
Course for advancing students. Beginner A1 → Intermediate B1
Skyrocket 1
For those who have previously studied the language and want to upgrade their skills to the level of fluency
126 academic. hours
Course for advancing students. Pre-Intermediate A2 → Intermediate B1 +
Skyrocket 2
Improve your language proficiency in Intermediate by filling in grammar gaps and dramatically improving your speaking skills
Get your free introductory online lesson!
The unique ALIBRA SCHOOL technique
The technologies that transformed the basis of the ALIBRA SCHOOL methodology relate to the study of vocabulary and grammar of the English language as well as ways of memorizing and repeating material.
The unique ALIBRA SCHOOL technique has many advantages over the classical and communicative ones:
Logic and system instead of hundreds of rules
At ALIBRA SCHOOL you don't have to cram! All grammar is presented in a compact and logical system. Having understood the whole structure of the language once you no longer have to go back to the rules.
Memorization through direct association and context
Modern technology of memorizing vocabulary through context or direct associations bypassing translation into Russian. So, the word turns out to be associated with a specific image and it is much easier to remember it.
Memory Support Technologies
A special system of 7-fold spaced repetition is used in the classroom, in homework assignments and verification tests. With our techniques you will not forget anything from the class ever again.
Interactive platform and mobile app
Classroom activities are complemented by a multilingual mobile application and an online learning platform which makes learning not only effective but also convenient.
4-stage interview for our staff teachers
Only 10 out of 100 candidates become ALIBRA SCHOOL teachers who then also pass internal training in our methodology
We are breaking down the language barrier and pushing the boundaries for a better life as our main goal Is help in achieving your goals!